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© SPOKE. All Rights Reserved. Do not attempt to copy/save.
The idea for Spoke was born out of Bhargavi’s misguided conception of compressing, preserving, and consuming the intellects of inspiring individuals for her personal growth and edification. As a professional photographer, the portraits were a natural addition.
The idea festered in Bhargavi’s mind for over a decade until a chance encounter at 7,000 feet above sea level in which Bhargavi asked Awantika (without ever reading a single line of her writing) if she would be her lead writer (for no money). “You had me at the No Money!” Awantika replied enthusiastically. A lack of oxygen undoubtedly played a role. Back at sea level, it was clear that mistakes had been made, but for Bhargavi, expressing regret would’ve meant admitting she was wrong…and that wasn’t happening.
So now forced together in an awkward alliance, they create uncommon, thoughtful, and witty un-drivel that encourages people to think, learn, question, and laugh at themselves…offense-ism is not the best defense-ism in their (debatable) worldview.
Spoke | Where Gray Matters
Writer : Awantika Joshi
Creator | Host | Photographer : Bhargavi Joshi
1 Spoke episode = Interview Transcript + Podcast + Portraits + S.O.L.*
*Spoke Out Loud (S.O.L.) is a short video segment of Spoke in which guests speak about subjects they are passionate about: uncensored, uninterrupted, unguarded, up-front.
Spoke is an entertainment company, not a news company or a journalistic venture.
The idea for Spoke was born out of Bhargavi’s misguided conception of compressing, preserving, and consuming the intellects of inspiring individuals for her personal growth and edification. As a professional photographer, the portraits were a natural addition.
The idea festered in Bhargavi’s mind for over a decade until a chance encounter at 7,000 feet above sea level in which Bhargavi asked Awantika (without ever reading a single line of her writing) if she would be her lead writer (for no money). “You had me at the No Money!” Awantika replied enthusiastically. A lack of oxygen undoubtedly played a role. Back at sea level, it was clear that mistakes had been made, but for Bhargavi, expressing regret would’ve meant admitting she was wrong…and that wasn’t happening.
So now forced together in an awkward alliance, they create uncommon, thoughtful, and witty un-drivel that encourages people to think, learn, question, and laugh at themselves…offense-ism is not the best defense-ism in their (debatable) worldview.
Spoke | Where Gray Matters
Writer : Awantika Joshi
Creator | Host | Photographer : Bhargavi Joshi
1 Spoke episode = Interview Transcript + Podcast + Portraits + S.O.L.*
*Spoke Out Loud (S.O.L.) is a short video segment of Spoke in which guests speak about subjects they are passionate about: uncensored, uninterrupted, unguarded, up-front.
Spoke is an entertainment company, not a news company or a journalistic venture.